The production process of Honey Liqueur 7

Honey Liqueur 7 is made in an artisan / handcrafted way.

It is based on a homemade grape macerate brandy that is kept in barrels for one and a half year to mature. After this process, we add seven types of certificated honey that are collected from all around Croatia (Dalmatia, the Islands, Lika, all the way to Slavonia) and we add "a sea" of propolis. This artisan work makes the spirit unique.

Thousands of bees have collected the nectar from about 7 million flowers needed for one bottle, making it possible for us to make the perfect liqueur, 100% natural. No added sugar, coloring or artificial flavoring and no carbon filtering is done.

All ingredients are heated in a cauldron up to +40°C to preserve the honey healing properties. Once the ingredients are well combined, everything is returned to the barrels and precipitated for another three months. In the following months, the brandy is poured and separated from the sediment several times.

After 2 years of maturing, the artisan product, boutique Honey Liqueur 7 is finished and ready to be served.